Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Photo blogpost

Dear Hitler,

Look at all these children trapped behind me

Ashes are what they will come to be

They were once beautiful and free

now they are dirty and full of grief

They are scared and sad

How can you not feel bad?

You are a cowart and a killer

There is no need for such torture

I am appalled by the things these kids will endure

They are now terrified and insecure

You took them from their homes

and killed thousands and more to come

I no longer want to be a witness

It gives me a great deal of guilt and pity

I just want it to be over

and these kids returned to their families

Barbedwire fence

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Photo Blogpost

Dear Soldiers

Why is that I can no longer see? How could this happen to me?

I once could see the whole world so pretty and but now it's so bare
To be so mean to someone I wouldn't dare

My whole life has changed with sadness and dispair
and it's like you don't even care

I can no longer see what I used to could

to see again anything I would

It hurt so bad and burned
How this could happen I will never learn

For me they had no concern

I feel so different now that I cannot see

If it never happend oh how different life would be
Just explain why to me

It doesn't make any sense to me

Just how it came to be

It's still hard for me to believe

that this was done to me

Blind eyes

Monday, October 20, 2008

My view on way

I think war is necessary in some ways and some ways not. It helps solve some problem within the goverment. I don't like the fact that so many people lose their lives and so many families lose their kids, parents, ect. I don't really agree with the war that's going on right now because I don't think we are really accomplishing anything. I have several friends in Iraq and Afganistan right now and I worry everyday whether or not I will ever see them again. It's amazing to think about how many people feel the way I feel about their families and friends being away.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

How The columbian Trade forever changed the World

I think that the columbian trade and colonization changed the lives of people in a more positive than negative way. Even though disease spread and alot of lives were lost It brought better things in the long run. Everything down to the food we eat and what animal or plant we get it from to modern vaccines. We have discovered alot of new technology from this occurance of trading between the Old and New world. We have advanced the way we live in every aspect of live: medical, food preperation, vaccinations, and manufacturing. We have become more industrilized from the things we have learned from the columbian trade. We have bettered ourselves in the process.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Space Voyage

If I was an astronaut in 2020 and I was asked to go on an outerspace voyage I would without a shadow of a doubt go. I would love to be able to experience the unknown and have the chance to bring back the amazing memories of what's involved. Of course they're risks such as not ever returning, or something going horribly wrong with the spaceship. You would be out of luck if something did go wrong because nobody could help you or know where you are. I have always been very interested in space and everything involved with it because there is always something new to learn. If I had the chance to go I would jump on it because not many people get to take advantage of that privledge.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Impacts of technology on societies

I believe that the biggest impact made on modern society is computer technology. it has given us the oppurtunity to gain more knowlegde in any area possible. It has made research much easier for students to write papers and educate themselves on all subjects. It's much like the impact that the printing press had on the european society. it was invented by johann gutenburg and he was known for his work on the gutenburg bible. The printing press caused the cost of the books to go down so more could buy them. Because of this more people had the oppurtunity to learn to read and write. The ability to read and write opened up a world of oppurtunity for the people to study and research things.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Religion field trip

Alhuda Islamic center was very interesting to me because when we walked in we had to remove our shoes. We spoke with Dr. Rasheed and he explained that the Muslims must do so to pray because they place their heads on the floor to prove the upmost humility to Allah. The women of this religion must cover up everything except their hands and their face. The month of september they have Ramadan. It's where they fast which means they can't eat, drink, or have sexual relations from sun-up to sun down. They use the lunar calender to determine when they will have ramadan. The muslims are required to pray five times a day as well as they have to face in the direction in Mecca. The religion of the Islamic has the five pillars which include The belief in one god, Giving charity to the pool, fasting during ramadan, praying five times a day, and visiting Mecca at least once in their life. The muslims study the Qur'an which is written in arabic.

At the congergation of children of israel we spoke with Rabbi Gerson. The jewish worship in the synagogue and the men usually sit seperate than the women. Their holy book is the Torah and it's not only read and written in Hebrew but it is written fromright to left. They celebrate Rosh Hashannah which is the Jewish new year. Hannukah is celebrated around christmas. It has nothing to do with jesus or christmas but it is kinda their way of giving and getting gifts. It lasts for eight days and it is affiliated with a battle that was won. They also have a holiday or celebration for the rememberence of the holocaust and to pay their respects to the jews that were executed by the Natzi party led by Hilter. The jewish have a ritual that when someone passes away they have to stay at home for seven days and cover up all the mirrors because they aren't supposed to look at themselves when in mourning. They have worship and prayer gatherings in the home during the seven days. They can't go to any partys or gatherings for thirty days.

At S. Joesephs catholic church we spoke with Decon Grutsch and he explained the thirteen stations of jesus's life. The plaques were hung on the wall in order. When the catholics enter the church they have to touch the holy water. They must kneal when they pray. They believe that the spirit of christ is present with them. They ask prayer from people that have passed or ask a friend to pray for them. They hold babtisims in the catholixc church. I thought the building was absolutley beautiful. It's much different looking than a christian church but in alot of ways they are the same.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

"Carpe Diem"

Although carpe diem seems like a stress free way of life it doesn't pertain to me. it was most likely easier to live with the enjoyment of not worrying about the future in earlier times because they didn't have some of the stress we have to deal with today. Society and technology has made alot more expectations of how we should live. For example I have to consider my education to make a better life for myself and my daughter. As well as I have to maintain a job so i can support for my daughter and I to live comfortably. I am tryin to do whatever I can to make sure we have a great future because it will pay off. And order to do that i must graduate high school, futhure my education to graduating college and work to keep my self afloat in society.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Why religion exist?

I think we have religions to figure out why we are here and what our purpose in life is. We need to look to a higher power in order to do that. I feel that we need something to believe in and worship to somehow reach some kind of personal fulfillment. I don't think any religion or way of worshiping is wrong because everyone has their own set of beliefs and traditions. It gives people the hope that there is a better place afterlife. It also helps explain the unknown in the world we live in. There will still be questions unanswered but it gives people a chance to pay attention to something other than themselves.

Monday, August 11, 2008

My idea of civilized

Civilized to me means being apart of something such as a civilization, community or group.Being a member of a society with certain beliefs or customs. Civilizations have things such as law enforcement, government, and religions. Education is offered to make the civilization productive and well educated. There is a financial system in place that balances and manages money. Scientists are hard at work everyday creating and uncovering higher technology to enhance our way of living.